Always committed to support our employees
The HR Team takes care of our most valuable asset: our employees
We take care about payroll, the recruiting of new team members and we go an extra mile to make new colleagues at Parts Europe feeling welcome. To ensure that Parts Europe will be able to achieve its mission in the future we also focus on education and personal development. By the supervision of apprentices, we get our new generation ready for work.

The diverse working areas in the HR&Legal Department
We are the number crunchers and Excel specialists in HR and take care of the creation of reports and statistics. We prepare the payroll and ensure that salaries are paid on time. Furthermore we introduce and roll-out new perks and benefits Parts Europe employees can profit from.
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Taking care of Talent Acquisition we always strive to find the optimal fit for the teams at Parts Europe. We support new colleagues from abroad during the onboarding and visa process. To attract interested individuals of Parts Europe, we also take care of employer branding.